Prepper Finance Economics Cash Money

Prepper Finance Economics Cash Money
How To Build Your Prepper Empire

Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Preppers understand the Nero Negros control freak and watch in horror as he controls the main-stream media ABC CBS NBC MSNBC FOX and others because they have all become devoted to the Nero Negros. Nero Negros has quit smoking so you will too.

Nero Negros has his face on posters, statues, currency and soon to be vodka bottles.  Street and airports will carry the Nero Negros name and schools boards will rename the local schools to honor Nero Negros and his family.  As they combine their power and rewrite the history of the United States you are now expected to speak sofly and carry no stick at all.  The government officials that you sent to office carry the hot burning torch of Nero Negros and they're living the high life and enjoy better living.  The Preppers understand the Nero Negros control freak and watch in horror as he controls the main-stream media ABC CBS NBC MSNBC FOX and others because they have all become devoted to the Nero Negros.  Nero Negros has quit smoking so you will too.  His ugly wife complains of rich sugary foods so she has prohibited quality lunches for your children.  The weight of your children is too high, don't you see, Nero Negros will also control the appearance and habits of your children and the condition of megalmania is just the very beginning.

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